One-on-One Intensive

Intensive Training

Who It's Designed For

This program is designed for owners and dogs in need of something more than just once-a-week sessions. This program offers daily training support and accountability to jumpstart the training process and provide a deeper sense of accountability.

The benefit of a more intensive program is the daily consistency you and your dog will get with a trained professional, all in the comfort of your own home. The ultimate goal is for you to feel confident in implementing what we practice when I'm not there so your dog receives consistent leadership from YOU.

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Benefits of an Intensive Training Program

Consistency is everything when it comes to training your dog! This is why I love offering a more intensive training option. It provides owners a chance to practice repeat/new skills each day with a trained professional by their side to guide and hone each skill. It can help the owner, and the dog, learn faster and boost the owner's confidence in their proficiency.

Sustainable results happen when your dog learns to believe in YOU and YOUR leadership, so to see the results you want, YOU need to be the one to teach, practice and master how you communicate with and train your dog. I will work with you to set the foundation, build the structure, and show you step-by-step how to affect change in your dog’s behaviors, but it’s up to you to apply and maintain the training outside of our sessions to create lasting change! Training is a lifestyle and I would love to be there as you start this new or continued journey!


One-Week Program

The one-week program is best suited for dogs that exhibit behaviors such as pulling on the leash, mild reactivity (barking and lunging), lack of impulse control, jumping on people, and dogs that need to learn basic commands like sit, down, stay, place and heel, beginning steps for recall, and better boundaries.

This program will include:

  • Monday: 2-hour evaluation
  • Tuesday-Friday: 1-hour daily session

1 Week Package Pricing: Investment: $850

Two-Week Program

The two-week program is designed for dogs with more severe behavioral issues such as fear and nervousness, separation anxiety, resource guarding, leash reactivity, and owners that want a more solid foundation in obedience. As a part of the basic foundation, your dog will learn to sit, down, stay, place, come, heel, and proper leash manners as well as any other commands that will help us achieve our goal.

This program will include:

Week 1

  • Monday: 2-hour evaluation
  • Tuesday-Friday: 1-hour daily session

Week 2

  • Monday-Friday: 1-hour daily session

2 Week Package Pricing: Investment: $1600

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What clients are saying

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Daily Dog Training VS Intermittent Training

When considering dog behavioral training, the choice between daily dog training and intermittent training plays a crucial role in the success of your dog's behavior modification journey. A daily dog training program, supported by a knowledgeable dog behaviorist, offers consistent guidance and accountability for you to effectively train your dog. By practicing skills daily, with the help of a professional in dog behavior modification, you can address issues like reactivity, impulse control, and obedience more efficiently. On the other hand, intermittent training may not provide the same level of structured support needed to instill lasting behavioral changes in your dog. If you need help choosing a program that empowers you to train your dog effectively please reach out so we can help you choose which programs best suits your needs.

Call for a free consult to see which program best suits you and your dog!

If you’re interested in something less intensive, check out our obedience program!

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